Inspired Mom MDs

11: Release the Hold of Fixed Beliefs as a Physician Mom

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 11

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

Sometimes I feel like I’m swept up on a runaway train. And yet, it keeps adding passengers!

In this daydream the passengers represent my work and the train represents my mind.

I’m travelling so fast that time is imperceptible. Details get blurry and I don’t see that a fixed belief keeps me on this ride. 

My ingrained belief of what a “true” physician looks like kept me living and breathing a life that didn’t resonate with me anymore. I ignored any evidence to the contrary and just kept going.

It may take a literal derailment in life through illness or change, to pause and take stock of your beliefs. Or, you may have a daily nagging feeling that something needs to change. 

What track are you on and is it heading to where you want to go? 

Maybe it’s time to make a little shift and adjust the tracks. Finding that shift is what today is about. 

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4 Steps to Take Back Control, Find Time for What Matters Most and Thrive in Your Practice and at Home

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.