Inspired Mom MDs

6: How Can Physician Moms Stop Working While on Vacation?

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 6

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

Imagine you got the chance to take a dream family vacation. Great, right? But the kicker is you need to find coverage for your patients, figure out a way to keep those prescription refills going, and reschedule clinic hours so you can leave the country. 

It can be done, but what about those never-ending emails – the ones that convey a mini crisis at every turn. 

You work hard in medicine and want to enjoy life too. You put in 50 or 60+ hours a week to earn a healthy income for your family. You want to take a break and travel, right?

So, you do. All be it not as often as you’d like. And how does that go for you?  Are you like 70% of physicians that work on their vacation? Or maybe you’re in the group that takes less than 3 weeks’ vacation a year … even if you have more weeks available.

Today I provide insights into how to tackle this problem. 

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4 Steps to Take Back Control, Find Time for What Matters Most and Thrive in Your Practice and at Home

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.