Inspired Mom MDs

10: 3 Ways Physician Moms Can Rebound from Habit Setbacks

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 10

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

My legs ached, my eyelids were heavy and I just didn’t have the energy to deal. I was exhausted. 

As I went about my day on autopilot, the realization hit me. I have spent years, literal years, feeling this way. I didn’t know any better. 

I accepted fatigue as normal.

Relief from short vacations were quickly forgotten.  In my daily rut of lack of sleep and too much work, everything was a blur. 

Now I do know better, and my healthy days outnumber my cruddy days. I established new healthy habits. So, when the familiar overwhelm comes along the contrast is obvious.

A healthy life takes work! I sometimes fall back into the old destructive habits. The great thing about now is I can course correct more efficiently. 

Have any of you experienced this? Keep listening for tips to get back on track. 

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4 Steps to Take Back Control, Find Time for What Matters Most and Thrive in Your Practice and at Home

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.