Inspired Mom MDs

13: 3 Ways Physician Moms Can Listen More to Their Gut Instinct

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 13

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

So often people have told me “Just listen to your gut.” Easy for them to say, right? In my opinion, they are speaking out of hindsight. 

Think of the moment your body tells you “No” as the words fall out of your mouth, “Yes.”

Passivity is easy. Resistance takes energy.

But with work, errands, kids, and family, you just don’t have the extra energy to push back. 

The result is letting others essentially dictate little decisions. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you let others walk all over you. But what about the multitudes of small decisions that are just easier to not make?

And where does that get you when you don’t follow your inner voice? What if there was a way to turn this around and be more at peace with your actions? 

Keep listening for 3 ways to choose your own direction and take back control of your decisions. 

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4 Steps to Take Back Control, Find Time for What Matters Most and Thrive in Your Practice and at Home

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.