Inspired Mom MDs

14: How to Harness Your Strengths as a Busy Doctor Mom

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 14

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You know those days where the world seems a bit off its axis?  I’m talking about when one crazy setback after another all seem to fall within a 24-hour period.  It feels like this can’t be coincidence, right?

Well, it probably is, but my overactive mind starts piecing together a conspiracy. I mean that in jest. I do laugh it off most of the time. But sometimes one hit after another does take it out on me. 

These challenges chip away my strength and leave me exhausted. I use too much energy running around to put out fires.

On those weary days it’s easy to feel beaten down.  But it’s also possible to endure with your hidden strengths. You don’t have to be dragged down by events that swing you off course. 

How can you harness more of your innate strength and power to get past the turbulent days? Keep listening!

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