Inspired Mom MDs

16: How Do Physician Moms Say Goodbye to Things that Define Them?

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 16

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

There’re all sorts of ways to lose your identity. You may spend 20 years in your specialty and then leave clinical medicine all together. Or maybe lose something a bit less dramatic, but equally important. 

Take, for example, a physician mom excelling in many areas of life, including a sport or an activity. What happens when she physically can’t continue after needing surgery and rehab on her knee, shoulder, or back?

There can be a sense of mourning for her old self. And there may be a real loss of identity. In this case:

I’m a marathon runner!”

But she’s not, not anymore.

Not only is it hard to say goodbye to something she loves, but now even the mirror reflects a change.

Nothing else measures up to that consistent workout high and feeling strong and healthy. In short, she feels defeated. 

Though it feels insurmountable, you can climb out of this new valley of not feeling yourself. You can find a new “something” – a new identity. 

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