Inspired Mom MDs

25: 2 Steps to Spark Motivation for a Momma Doc

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 25

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

Do you ever feel you are slogging through your morning? 

I do. In fact, that is me today, in this moment as I jot down ideas for this episode. 

I planned this morning last night. I knew I had a late am meeting on my podcast writing day. So, I set my alarm one hour early. 

I also set the timer on my coffee maker, knowing I would have to get out of bed before it got cold. And let’s face it, reheated coffee is no fun. 

My alarm went off during a whimsical dream where we had moved into a house that had a view of an old European street out one window and a forest with a stream out the other. 

It was beautiful, until my alarm crept into that house and yanked me away. 

Warm and cozy in bed, missing my dream, and still feeling tired, I dragged myself up to get my hot cup of coffee. 

And then I sat at my computer, completely unmotivated.

But I got it done and I’ll tell you how.

I am curious, rain or shine, how do you harness what motivates you? 

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4 Steps to Take Back Control, Find Time for What Matters Most and Thrive in Your Practice and at Home

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.