Inspired Mom MDs

36: The Confession of a Jumpy Physician Mom

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 36

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I think I must have a big amygdala. 

That tiny part of the brain is the master of the fight or flight response. 

It can elicit a full-blown hands up in the air, gravity defying leap away from perceived “danger”.

As someone who meditates daily and strives for more Zen, I admit I startle easily.

What a stark contrast between a relatively calm personality and moments of jumping out of my skin.

And you know what? It’s ok. 

I’m done fighting it, explaining it away, dealing with people’s comments like it’s a fault of mine. 

I won’t get eaten by a tiger anytime soon! There that. 

My point is, I now embrace is part of who I am. 

What is something you’ve resisted, maybe for years, that is your hardwired biology? 

You can embrace who you are too! 

When you stop fighting nature, and learn to roll with what you can’t change, you win.   

How do you do this? Listen in…

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.