Inspired Mom MDs

37: Rewrite Your Script: Your New Normal as a Doctor Mom

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 37

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

I balance 2 full time jobs – as a full-time physician and full-time mom/wife/daughter/you-name-it. 

Can you relate? 

But human capacity is finite.

As a young mom, when I was a full-time anesthesiologist, I constantly juggled stress and sacrifice. 

I slept less, ate not so great, convenient food, and rarely took the time to decompress. 

I was so accustomed to chronic stress and chaos that it felt normal.

Until it caught up with me years later, and I recognized the physical signs and symptoms of a problem.

I understood it was time to pivot and turn things upside down a bit. 

Now, when any of those physical symptoms of stress return, it is so obvious! 

I found my new normal. And so can you. 

What is the solution? Take a listen.

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.