Inspired Mom MDs

48: The 'Have It All' Myth: A Journey to What Matters for Doctor Moms

Cindy Van Praag, MD Episode 48

Find the full transcript and more resources for physician moms at

Imagine a world where the promise of 'having it all' isn’t a roadmap to success, but a trap that drains your spirit.

This is all too common and it was for me. 

When I was young, I firmly believed that women could have it all. 

I had no doubt that through hard work I would have the career, the house, the family all on a pretty little timeline.

And I believed I could enjoy myself while doing it all. 

Until I ran myself into burnout. 

I thought checking off all the boxes meant happiness. What I neglected was checking in with what really matters.  

It’s never too early, or too late, to align your life’s plan with your values, dreams and what you love. 

It’s never too soon to choose a path that’s meaningful and intentional. 

Today I will show you how to follow your internal compass toward what really matters. And that is the key to thriving in this brief, but beautiful life we are given. 

I help physician moms take back control and prioritize what matters most so they can thrive in private practice and at home.